Personality Quiz
Your Freudian Personality Style is: Retentive hysteric: Polite, gentle, and unusually placid , you have comparatively little interest in interpersonal relationships with others and can be alone for long periods of time without feeling lonely . Having from an early age found that your own perceptions were at odds with those of others , you have retreated into an internal world of imagination and private perceptions . When others come into contact with you, they perceive you as having an asexual presentation, often with stiff and effectively constricted, child-like manners (which may come across as attractive, encouraging fantasies of domination in others). Metaphorically, your personality style may be likened to a teenage girl whose uterus is so afraid of impregnation that it shuts off every mating signal that the individual can produce, including charm and emotional presence. In the same way, the actual you may have marked difficulties with gender roles, giving others the ps...